Our Display Garden
Our Display Garden
We welcome you to visit our Display located at our landscape shop in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota. Here you will discover a variety of benches, birdbaths, and many other specialty stone items to choose from.
Our Display garden is not a retail store and is open by appointment only or during scheduled hours or special open events.
Please call 651-453-9101 or email: naturallandscapemn@gmail.com to inquire about our inventory and schedule your visit.
See below for scheduled open hours and events.
Display Garden Hours
Our Display Garden is open by appointment only except for scheduled open hours. (See below).
Please call 651-453-9101 to schedule a time to come out or email naturallandscapemn.com . Please do not just show up. Thank you!
Upcoming Events
"After the Fair" Open Event
Saturday, September 7th 9:00 am to 3:00 PM
If you cannot make the above open event, please make an appointment by calling 651-453-9101 or email: naturallandscapemn@gmail.com
Our Display Garden is only open by appointment. Thank you!